How To Build Stamina In Bed? Causes and 4 Natural Ways!

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Building stamina in bed is one of the tasks which worry every sexually active man. Women also regard men with stamina on bed highly and this pressure leads men to try different ways to build the herculean stamina. The fact that women take longer time to get satisfied and men with low stamina just ejaculate before satisfying gives rise to many mental as well as psychological problems.

The insecurity and low self-esteem in men is one reason which gives rise to many other problems. The big question is what are the most reliable methods to increase stamina in bed? There are many tested ways to fight this problem but it all depends on the reason.

Depression and stress suppressors


Depression and stress can be the biggest reason for low stamina in bed so if the man is stressed about something, the thing which can improve the performance on bed is making him relax. In case of depression, anti-depressants can be the best option. Once the depression and the stress are fought with dedication, everything will become normal.



It is one of the most trusted ways to build stamina naturally. The method is prescribed by the researchers and the doctors, includes building up to the climax and then just pressing under the head of the penis to stop the ejaculation. This is the most functional method. Some men can just stop by pausing their hand for a moment so that the urge to ejaculate is gone.

This exercise should be repeated to get the desired stamina. The second method which also includes the masturbation is doing it without any lubrication and with the tight grip. This will desensitize the area with the passage of time and ejaculation will not happen until you will get the same tight feel inside the vagina. Men can try positions with loose grip and perform the act as long as they want. They can then shift to tighter position when they are really ready.

Erectile Dysfunction

Psychological Causes of Erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction can be a problem for men of any age. It is one factor which is not realized by many, until it is too late and other problems like low self-esteem have reached their peak. The early identification, acceptance and then the remedy is the solution to ED. The remedy includes use of medications and in case medication do not solve the problem, then the injection therapy can be used. If none of these is working, penile implants will definitely solve the problem.

Women in Action

Women in Action

Sometimes women can take the charge and change the things. One such method is pulling the testicles. The woman should be a good judge, of when her man is about to ejaculate. She can easily pull the testicles and stop the ejaculation by diverting his attention. Pulling the testicles downward will also prevent the semen from travelling towards the penis thus there will be no ejaculation. Keep repeating the act until satisfied, and really want him to ejaculate. This method also gives greater power to women and results in quicker climax, resulting in the satisfied couple.

suraj health
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Suraj Health is a fitness freak & a gym trainer by profession. Apart from his bodybuilding obsession he loves to write & share his personal experience about his weight loss & Fitness journey. Having over 20+ years of experience in bodybuilding, helped many individuals to get jacked by different steroid cycle. (Read More) You can connect with him on Linkedin.

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